Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Hate August

August was a spectacularly shitty month. It was so crappy, in fact, that I would wipe the month out of existence if I didn't know so many awesome people who were born in August.

To prove to you what a shit time I had this past month, here is a list of events that occurred therein:

  1. My car exploded. Ok, so it didn't literally explode. While driving home from a wonderful Sunday breakfast, the air conditioning suddenly stopped working. About a minute later, water exploded all over the windshield and the power steering disappeared. It took three days to get everything fixed. I am thankful that Jonathan was driving at the time. I'm also thankful for our insanely helpful neighbors who transported us all over the place.
  2. My knee dislocated. This happened at the best possible moment; I was walking out the door on a movie date. I think the last movie I went to was the Beauty and the Beast re-release with Meike. Needless to say, we missed the movie. I was on crutches at home for a week with almost no help. Thank you Marliz for helping the first night. Two weeks later, I still can't straighten my leg, but at least the limp is negligible. I need surgery and that's not going to happen until I have insurance.
  3. We had no water for two days. The water company accidentally turned the water off without any notice one morning, even though the bill had been paid. When they came to fix it later that day, I wasn't home and apparently the water was on somewhere in the house. So we had to go another day without water. It was super great. No toilets, no drinking water, no baths, no hand washing. I had to go buy water just to brush my teeth. Again, I am thankful for my super helpful neighbors who insisted I bathe my kids at their house.
  4. My phone died. Completely. If there is an emergency, I am going to have to run across the street to call 911. And then there's always the super helpful neighbors, if they're home.
  5. The air conditioning is on the fritz. I have to completely turn it off when I leave in order for it to work [mostly] properly while I'm home.
  6. There are Black Widows ALL OVER our property. 
  7. This is kind of a dumb one, but lights are going out in all of the hard to reach and/or really useful places in my house. Top of the stairs. Flood lights out front. Meike's bathroom night light. Flood lights out back. Indoor garage lights. Vaulted ceiling fan's light.
  8. There's a little shit down the street with a motorized scooter. When does said little shit prefer to ride said scooter? Every fucking time Luke lays down to sleep. With. Out. Fail. It sounds like a serial killer is running up and down the road wielding a weed eater.
Despite how incredibly expensive this month has been, writing this blog allowed me to see a positive side to it. I really do have super helpful neighbors. The worst stuff happened while Jonathan was home. My friends are willing to help me when I'm willing to ask. I'm humbly thankful for all of these things. 

Plus, I lost 8 pounds...woo, August!

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