Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Under Construction

Obviously, I have not been doing so well with keeping this blog up-to-date.  I have a legitimate (if really stupid) excuse!  I forgot which website I had chosen to host the blog and could only think of Blogger.  I finally did a search of "blogs" today and pulled this up almost immediately.  Trial and error, right...  Check that off my list of future excuses for procrastination.

So...the nursery is coming along.  The full wall paneling that was actually house siding (the last owner was very into do-it-yourself)has been reduced to the bottom half of the wall.  We've tested about a dozen different paint colors.  You can't tell from the pictures due to the poor lighting, but the paneling will be blue and the top part of the wall will be yellow.  Jonathan still has to do the molding/trim for the chair rail and the floor, which will be a rich brown color. 

I'm starting to think that Jonathan is doing it himself just so he can buy a new tool each week.  What's with guys and gadgets that do things for you that you can already do yourself just fine [without said gadget]?  Anyone else know what I'm talking about?  In addition to the plethora of tools that are piling up in our garage, the construction zone is like a children's playground of death.  Let me just say that it's a good thing that Meike doesn't get to wander the house unsupervised... ever.  And that I now know where all of the scissors went...

 Yes, those are razor-sharp lethal kitty claws... next to the scissors, pocket knife, dremel, and a circular saw.

And since we're on the subject of hazardous materials, I'll throw this one in just for fun:

1 comment:

  1. post more pics of the house. I want to see it. Looks like fun!
